Saturday, June 14, 2008

A little trouble brewing in the home of Portia and Bassanio. It seems that Bassanio and Gratiano (husband of Nerissa) gave up their wedding rings as payment to Balthazar for saving Antonio. Rumor has it that after a heated argument, Portia claimed that Balthazar and his servant were really Portia and Nerissa in disguise. I can not confirm this rumor although I wouldn't doubt it as Portia seems to be a smart lady.
I have also heard that Antonio's story had a very happy ending. Three of his ships have come in and his ducats returned.

It was a very tense session in court today! Shylock, after many chances, still would not change the terms of his bond. He was allowed by law to take one pound of Antonio's flesh. A young doctor of law named Balthazar was called into the court after Bellario had fallen ill. His few years however, were not a symbol of his knowledge of the law. Balthazar saw that the bond did not state Shylock's entitlement to any blood. He stated that if Shylock caused even a drop of Antonio's blood to spill or tipped the scale with the amount of flesh by even a hair, he would be executed. Under this pressure Shylock allowed Antonio to go free. Shylock though was still bound by law to give half his possessions to Venice and the other to Antonio for conspiracy to murder. Antonio did not accept his half and simply forced it to be will to Jessica and Lorenzo upon Shylock's death. Shylock also is forced to become a Christian.

Apparently the notorious runaway Jessica has been wasting her daddy's ducats. She has reportedly traded a very valuable ring of Shylock's for a pet monkey. But this story has a romantic twist! Jessica has run away to marry the man she loves, Lorenzo, and become a Christian.
We finally have a winner of Portia's lottery! Sorry to all of you men who didn't even get a chance. Portia's new suitor is none other than Bassanio of Venice.
Unfortunately Antonio has lost his prized ships and with them all of his ducats. With all three ships gone, Antonio has failed to pay off his loan to Shylock. He has gone to prison and him and Shylock will battle it out in court whether or not to follow the bond. Portia and her servant Nerissa left after Bassanio headed to Venice to try to help his poor friend Antonio but their is no word one where they are headed.
Hot from a source, Shylock's daughter Jessica has fled from their home. It is reported that a young torch bearer was seen coming out of the house that sane evening. Also, Shylock was witnessed running through the street shouting about lost jewels and ducats. He blames Antonio for helping Jessica escape and causing his losses.
More news on Portia's lottery. It seems that two men have already failed to choose the correct casket. So which casket is the right one? Well we won't know until some one picks it as part of the deal involves never revealing their choice. So with the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon down, who will be next? Well word has it that Bassanio of Venice is on his way to test his luck.

Friday, June 13, 2008

This just in, Portia, rich heiress of her late father, is in the market for a new suitor. It is said her father devised a sort of lottery to assist her in finding that perfect man. So here is how she will choose:
There are three caskets, one gold, one silver, one lead. Choose the correct one and you win Porita's hand in marriage, but choose incorrectly and you may never marry again.
On another note, Antonio has borrowed three thousand ducats from the Jew Shylock. This may seem like an ordinary deal, but do not be mistaken! If Antonio fails to pay off his loan by the deadline in three months,he will owe Shylock one pound of his flesh. Yes you read that right, one pound of real human flesh. Revenge is what Shylock called it. Revenge for many years of suffering Antonio's torture.
Hello to all you faithful Venetian gossip lovers out there, have I got the blog for you! So before you check it out, I will let you know how it works.

1. I hear the gossip, and believe me I hear it all!
2. I publish it on my blog.
3. You, the devoted reader, get all the info. Keep your eyes open for new stories and updates and follow-ups of old ones!

Well here I go...